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INJUSA acquires certificate CCC to export their products to China
24 Septiembre 2015

INJUSA acquires certificate CCC to export their products to China

 INJUSA opens the on-line shop in Spain and soon in Europe
25 Marzo 2015

INJUSA opens the on-line shop in Spain and soon in Europe

INJUSA closes an international agreement with the multinational company HASBRO
04 Marzo 2015

INJUSA closes an international agreement with the multinational company HASBRO

INJUSA on La Sexta Columna
19 Febrero 2015

INJUSA on La Sexta Columna

INJUSA celebrates 50 years as an exhibitor at the International Fair of Nuremberg
02 Febrero 2015

INJUSA celebrates 50 years as an exhibitor at the International Fair of Nuremberg

INJUSA participates in 'The Green beetle' of TVE2
06 Enero 2015

INJUSA participates in 'The Green beetle' of TVE2

RNE broadcasts a special programme live from INJUSA to explain the process of manufacture of toys
19 Noviembre 2014

RNE broadcasts a special programme live from INJUSA to explain the process of manufacture of toys

INJUSA ends with great success the "Naturmaster" research project
05 Mayo 2014

INJUSA ends with great success the "Naturmaster" research project

INJUSA supports research to create bio-degradable plastic
11 Febrero 2014

INJUSA supports research to create bio-degradable plastic

Toys catalog INJUSA 2014
03 Febrero 2014

Toys catalog INJUSA 2014