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The Company



INJUSA works thinking of you INJUSA was born as a family business and we can say today that still preserves the spirit of union, teamwork and continuous improvement. Essence that it is reflected in the result of their more than 850,000 toys manufactured each year, their designs and finishes and the trust placed the leading distributors of national and international renown of more than 120 countries that sell INJUSA products through their different sales channels and toy store.


The key of our success is based on a constant investment in I + D + I, in compliance with the strict controls of child safety of their toys and guaranteed to be a production 100% Made in Spain.


Our history




INJUSA was founded as BERMISAN in 1947 from the hand of Antonio Berbegal Verdú, its founder, dedicated to the manufacture of trucks, ships and cars of wood and metal miniature, but until 1951 would not acquire the current designation of Industrial Juguetera, S.A. (INJUSA). It was during the 1970s he began a period of expansion in the company with the entry of two capitalist partners, and which allowed him to maintain an upward development screening. It is then when INJUSA stood as the first Spanish company to manufacture bicycles and tricycles used as manufacturing material metal tubes that they got drums of vacuum oil, after a curious process based on be rolled like a cigarette.


At the end of the 1970s, early 1980s, INJUSA became the Spanish pioneer in bringing to market a line of children's large vehicles with performance battery. Such was the success of this product line, allowing INJUSA to become global leader in this field.


Today, manufactured in the factory of Alicante INJUSA electric vehicles battery, tricycles, pedal cars, motorcycle runs corridors, hardware and garden toys as playhouses, swings and slides.