INJUSA supports research to create bio-degradable plastic
Feel committed to the environment implies something more to say. Because INJUSA sponsors and collaborates with several projects devoted to the development of environmentally sustainable plastics and the use of chemical dyes that replaced by almond shells for the colouring of the plastic.
But INJUSA aims to go a step further and achieve not only sustainable and recyclable, plastics but also, biodegradable from 100% natural dyes. That participates in the project Life + MASTALMOND for the creation of this material that will be a real revolution in what to eco - sustainable materials refers and which nowadays is under development.Feel committed to the environment implies something more to say. Why INJUSA sponsors and collaborates with several projects devoted to the development of environmentally sustainable plastics and the use of chemical dyes that replaced by almond shells for the colouring of the plastic.
In this way, we recycle natural waste such as almond shell and rather than dispose of it give new a new use: the creation of masterbatches or color additives that are respectful with the environment.
One of the projects is Naturmaster, which began in 2010 with the phase of definition and today because we can show the first bike created with this process. This bike plastic is recyclable because the additive that gives color to the plastic incorporates the almond shells.
MASTALMOND is a project funded by the European Union, led by AIJU (technological center of toy) and with the presence of companies IQAP and Perez bristle.