RNE broadcasts a special programme live from INJUSA to explain the process of manufacture of toys
The well-known presenter of RNE, Manolo HH, choose factory INJUSA as headquarters to issue its weekly programme 'Spain turned and turned' due to its fantastic location in the Valley of the toy in order to explain on-site at the hands of the CEO of INJUSA, Luis Berbegal, brand toys production processes, as well as also to talk about the situation of the sector, the importance of play in childhood and the Foundation grow playing 'a toy, an illusion' campaign.
During the journey through the heart of the factory, Luis Berbegal, explained the process since it began to devise the toy in the creative Department of I + D, passing through the section of plastic and molded, until you reach the final stage of packing, storage and shipping.
For his part, Manolo HH has paid special attention in the injection molding machine plastic KRAUSS specializing in the labelling in mold (IML) as an example of the big bet that performs INJUSA in I + D and has stopped in the section of molded wheels where each year are manufactured environment to the 8,000,000 to later form part of 90% of the toys manufactured INJUSAamong them cars, motorcycles, tricycles and bicycles.
In addition to talking about the unfair export, Luis Berbegal, explained how face the uncertainty generated by the seasonality of the sector companies, toy since the sale in Spain, unlike other European countries, is concentrated in the last weeks of the year.
On the other hand, Manolo HH has interviewed the President of the Assotiation, José Antonio Pastor who has highlighted the need to introduce the value of play in education and school; to the Professor of theory of the education of the University of Valencia and a member of the Observatory of the child play, Petra Maria Perez, who has spoken about the pedagogical value of the toy and the need for children to encourage their development through it; and finally, Alberto Azcona, director of the Foundation grow playing 'a toy, an illusion' campaign, who has given some details about the campaign.
Listen to the full program here.