INJUSA acquires certificate CCC to export their products to China
INJUSA has achieved certification CCC (China Compulsory Certification) which ensures that the company meets the requirement of labelling and certifies the compliance with the standards of safety and quality that the Chinese Government requires to be able to introduce their products in the Asian giant.
It's the equivalent European CE
The distinctive CCC is a safety mark required for certain products, which is equivalent to the European CE, since they coincide with the majority of standards but with specific differences. In this sense, the Managing Director, Luis Berbegal, highlighted the complexity of the process since "turns out to be very demanding, but very interesting especially for companies like ours with a potential market for our products where on some channels, the European design is valued above national".
According to Berbegal, "products manufactured in Europe are subjected to hard legislation requirements, much more higher than anywhere else in the world. However, has surprised us the obstacles imposed by the Chinese Government", as a sign of the high exigency requiring the Asian market, in terms of certain products.
To obtain the CCC, INJUSA has spent three months during which the technical team of the toy has made the certification procedure and that in the words of the CEO, it has proved to be "a very complex task since in addition to certified laboratories specialized China's products exported, this same laboratory had to navigate to our factory in Spain and perform a comprehensive audit of all the installations and processes for a week".
CCC certification is a commitment to a bet of the company toy for fulfilling all quality and safety requirements regardless of the country of destination, thus adapting to the different local laws in this matter.